12 Noticeable mistakes in your favourite cartoon

Mistake no. 4

Tenga Toppa Gurren Lagann is an anime everyone knows but has never seen an actual episode of. The reason for that is Yoko, the quintessential gun bunny with an outfit that launched a billion cosplays. Nothing moves product like a hot sniper in a black-with-red-flames bikini top and shorts that barely abide the laws of physics to stay on her body.
But from this picture, there’s obviously a reason why this anime has such a lasting impact. with one-liners like this, it’s no wonder why people are still having fun with this IP to this day. And of course, it never hurts to put your token hottie front and center.

Mistake no. 5

There are a lot of things to talk about when it comes to Spongebob Squarepants, but one of the sticking points I keep coming back to is how any of the helmets used in the show apparently phase in and out of existence at the slightest whim of their wearers. Cases in point, the two pictures I have above.
How exactly is Sandy able to stick her fingers in her mouth to let loose a whistle without shattering her helmet and dooming her to die amongst the finned denizens of Bikini Bottom? Or at the very least, force her to jam a pickle jar on her head? In that vein, how can Spongebob blow bubbles while also having a helmet on as well?
The mind boggles…

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