10 Makeup Tips That’ll Make Your Life An Easy Ramp

Every time we step out our home, all dressed up for a party or a function, we look pretty beautiful. But as we reach our destination, it’s all messed up, atleast a little bit. Isn’t it true that we don’t look exactly the same on reaching the place as we used to look while heading towards it? While most of us accept that it is a natural thing and nothing can be done about it, some search for a solution.

Now, to those really optimistic women’s, we have got a list of makeup tips that will make you look ever fresh and beautiful. Also, don’t forget to thank us in the comment section.

1. Use toilet seat covers as blotting paper

Oily face is not a new problem. And it’s a major one when you don’t have blotting paper with yourself. But, that doesn’t mean that you have to stick with your sticky face. If you want the oil to go, go to a public restroom, take some seat cover and tear it into bits. Now, use it to de grease your face.

2. Make lipstick last longer using a tissue paper and translucent powder.

An annoying problem with lipstick is that they don’t stay put for a long time. After some time, they tend to fade away, thus wasting the entire look. But don’t worry, we got a solution. After applying your lipstick, take a tissue and place it over your lips. Then, take translucent powder on a brush and dab it onto the tissue over your lips.

3. Put petroleum jelly on your lashes before applying mascara to avoid clumps.

Clumps are pretty normal if you’re going to apply the mascara directly. Plus, it’ll break the eyelashes after used. So, better opt for a little bit application of petroleum jelly for a much fresh look without any clumps.

4. Cut open makeup tubes to get every last drop

Maleup items are so valuable and expensive now a days that wasting even a single drop is a mistake. You must use it all. And for that, you should cut open the ends of the makeup products and utilise each amd every drop of the product left.

5. Use white eyeliner as an eyeshadow base

An eyeshadow without a base is never good. And it doesn’t stay for long, giving you a non uniform look. Also, it’s difficult to apply when you don’t put a base. So, why not use the white eyeliner in the drawer if you can’t find the eyeshadow base. Yeah, a little bit if white eyeliner can work pretty well as a base for which eyeshadow could be applied.

6. Revive your mascara with eye drops

Mascara drying out is a pain. So much of it gets wasted just because people don’t know how to revive it. Well, it’s just a matter of few eyedrops and your mascara is good to use again. Just don’t add too much of it, else you’ll have to handle a diluted mascara.

7. Try baking your face

No no, we aren’t asking you to put your face in an oven. Instead, you just have to apply a bit of powder over your face and let it sit for a while. Yeah, you just have to do this little task for a long lasting makeup that looks like a professional makeup artist just did your make up. After the powder sits, remove the excess of it by a brush.

8. Match your foundation to your neck

You’re wrong if you’ve been trying the foundations over your face while buying them. The reason is that it will look totally fale once you apply it. Your neck and face color should look similar, and that’s what makes a make-up look natural. So, next time you wanna buy a foundation , check it over your neck, not face.

9. Hairspray is a great brow gel alternative!

Brow gel is a necessary thing to tame those eyebrows. But, if you don’t have it, you can use hakr spray too. Just spray it over your eyebrows and tame their hairs for good.

10. The easiest way of symmetrical liner

Applying eyeliner is a really difficult task for beginners. It takes a lot of time and patience to apply a perfect eyeliner. But with thie trick, it’ll be as easy as it never was. Instead of applying it as a direct line, apply it bit by bit as dashes throughout the eye, and then join them. Isn’t it easy?

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