12 Personal Hygiene Mistakes People Make Every Day


Washing hands

According to this research, people tend to not wash their hands after using a restroom. The majority of these people believe it’s not important and is just a waste of their time. However, washing hands is the best and easiest way to prevent yourself from getting sick.

 Infact, wash your hands before going to the rest-room. That part of the body is cleaner than your hands. And then wash your hands after using restroom too.


Cotton swabs as a way to clean your ears.


Most of us believe that Q-tips help us to clean our ears. However, what people do when using them is the exact opposite; excess wax is pushed in, which causes more harm than good. As a result, cotton swabs can be a major reason for damaging the eardrum, hearing loss and so on. Medical experts advise you to see a doctor in case you really have a problem.

Biting your nails as a way to cope with stress.

Sometimes nail biting can be caused by emotional or mental stress and used as a way to overcome these feelings. You can also bite your nails without even thinking of it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work well for your appearance and health.

This habit isn’t a reason to be proud but giving up is!

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