12 Personal Hygiene Mistakes People Make Every Day


Exfoliating your face every day.

Over-exfoliating causes acne and wrinkles and can make you look older. Dermatologists advise you to exfoliate your face twice a week. Otherwise, it can be more harmful than good.


Forgetting to floss your teeth.

It doesn’t matter how thoroughly you brush your teeth to keep the germs away. Without flossing, you can hardly keep your gums in good condition. Flossing cuts the risk of bacteria inside the mouth down and prevents gingivitis.


The way you brush your teeth.

If you brush only your teeth, you’ll still have some tartar left. Problems with your heart can start from increasing the blood flow in your mouth. Dentists recommend brushing our teeth for 2 minutes. Be sure not to get lazy when performing an excellent brushing technique.

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