Covering your pillow with a cotton pillowcase.
This fabric makes you look older by adding wrinkles to your face, drying your skin, and damaging your hair. The best choice for pillowcase material is silk. It’ll give you back what the cotton case took away.

Having a fluoride-filled toothpaste in your house.
This kind of a toothpaste is especially dangerous for children as it leads to incorrect teeth development and white spots on their teeth. A fluoride-filled toothpaste can cause crumbling of teeth and can even increase the absorption level of aluminium in our brain, which contributes to Alzheimer’s Disease.

Not cleaning things that you use every day.
How often do you think of the objects you touch a lot but don’t take seriously? In fact, things like doorknobs, keyboards, switches, and your smartphones (among numerous others) are places where most bacteria are gathered.
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