Ever Mistaken Lime For Lemon? Know The Difference Now

Hello friends! You would be thinking what a pity topic are we giving a thought upon. But, for a moment, ask yourself- have you ever mistaken lime for lemon or vice versa? Well, most of you would still be rigid upon the thought that both of them are same. And even if not, what difference does it makes? To your concern, it makes a lot fo difference as they may look common but they’re much varied in the type and amount of nutrients. Speaking of the differences, number 1 counts for the fact that these are not the same species. We call lemons “Citrus lemon” and lime “Citrus aurantifolia.”

Difference number 2 counts for the variation in sizes of the duo. The lemons are generally larger than limes, and they possess a sour taste. Limes are usually smaller in size, and they own both sweet and sour taste according to the type of limes. The list of differences continues with the difference in shape amd color. Limes are generally round in shape whereas lemons are oval. Limes may be yellow or green both whereas lemons are bright yellow. The colour of the limes depends upon the variety of it that you are inspecting.

Now, when we dig deeper into the variations, there comes out one thing in common. As these fruits belong to the citrus genes of the kingdom of the plants, these both fruits are excellent sources of Vitamin-C. However, the amount of vitamin C is still making a difference between the duo even here. A lime will contain almost 30 mg of Vitamin-C on an average whereas a lemon can contain 50 mg of Vitamin-C on an average. Another similarity between them is that both of them are excellent for boosting up immunity and can help one to avoid a long range of diseases like cardiovascular diseases, prenatal health problems, eye diseases as well as skin wrinkling. Vitamin C is the safest vitamin to consume and if you take it regularly, you’re bound to stay healthy.

Counting for the difference number 3 is that lemons contain potassium and folate whereas limes contain Vitamin-A. That’s why limes are best to improve your vision, strengthen your bones, and improve your health of the skin. Whereas lemons help in enhancing your body synthesis and reduce the chances of heart and kidney disorder, repair of DNA, and improves your muscles strength and water balance. So, consume either of them depending on whichever benefit you want.

This may interest you that these fruits are acidic, but they are alkaline in our body. It is because of the fact that the remnants of the lemon or lime have an alkaline ph, once our bodies metabolize the citric acid. Limonoids are present in both lemons and limes. This becomes extremely useful in fighting with carcinogens. If you consume more foods that contain carcinogens like salted fish, processed meat, then you can successfully reduce the side effects of such foods by the intake of lemon or lime in your diet.

Not to forget, both of them ate an excellent source of anti-oxidants in addition to these benefits. They release free radicals during the digestion and metabolic processes that can cause serious harm. And such harms can take the place of chronic diseases in no time if we do not deal with them at the time. Our body also naturally produces both radicals and antioxidants to help with their adverse effects.

The number of antioxidants produced in our body from the various foods try to neutralize with the number of radicals. Now you know the reason why we consume lemons to counteract the effect of other radicals.

They are great detoxifying agents that are capable of reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Certain toxins in our body are not removed during the digestion process, and they need the aid of such food sources like lemons and limes that can remove them efficiently. These toxins can lead to inflation and several health problems of not removed.

Now, you must be willing to include them in your diet for maintaining a safe and sound immune system. The best way is to include lemon in fish recipes whereas you should include lime as an ingredient in drinks and desserts. You can also add lime in a fresh lime soda or ginger lime tea.

And don’t underestimate either of them as you know the importance of both of them by now. Hope you loved the article and do not forget to share your views in the comments.

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