Compost and Fertilizer
If you leave a banana peel on the counter, you’ll notice they usually break down faster than your other fruits, which is exactly why you should toss them into your compost. They’ll add plenty of nutrients into the soil for vegetable and flower gardens.
Also you can fertilize your indoor plants with the health-enhanced water. Stick a banana peel in a large jar of water in a one part banana to five parts water ratio and after it’s soaked the nutrients out of the peel. After this you can fertilize your indoor plants with the health-enhanced water.

Whiten Your Teeth
Ripe banana peels are very rich in potassium that can help reduce yellow stains that appear as a result of the consumption of certain beverages such as coffee and tea and certain foods such as blueberries and raspberries. Brush your teeth and rinse your teeth well. Take the inside of the banana peel and rub it on your teeth for 2 minutes. Rinse your teeth again and repeat daily.
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