Seven Tried And Tested Recipes To Remove Ingrown Facial Hair.

For women, unwanted facial hair is their biggest nightmare. That is why they are continuously looking for ways to wax it. Unwanted hair growth in women is also known as hirsutism. If you have dark hair, then you are likely to be hairier than those with a lighter color or blonde hair. Despite having some facial hair is rather normal, some people seem to have coarser, thicker and abnormal hair growth on face, especially on the upper lip area.
In fact, of all the beauty treatments out there, eliminating facial hair is considered one of the least comfortable – yet it does not have to be hard as long as you opt for the right method for your preferences, needs and hair type. Many women are spending hundreds of dollars on epilators, trimmers, waxing kits, and safety razors on removing facial hair permanently. But, you do not have to do like them because there are still some natural ways to remove facial hair at home.
If you are looking for effective but easy ways on how to remove facial hair permanently at home, then you need to read this article.
Here we will show you some of tried-and tested recipes to remove ingrown facial hair

1: Papaya and turmeric

Using papaya on your face can inhibit hair growth, making it much easier to keep our moustache, sideburns and chin whiskers under control.
You can combine papaya with some other ingredients to get quicker results, including turmeric. Here is your recipe:-
▪Take a spoon to scoop out several chunks of raw papaya flesh
▪Add ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder into and mix ingredients together by using a fork
▪After having a thick paste, use your finger to apply it over your face, especially those hairy areas
▪Massage gently to let the paste be absorbed into your skin and hair
▪Wait for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water
▪Repeat this routine twice per week for 1-2 weeks to notice the best results

2: Papaya and aloe vera

Papayas have papain, an enzyme which breaks down hair follicles, thereby preventing them from regrowing more hairs. Here is your recipe:-
▪Mix 1 tablespoons of papaya paste with 2-3 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 1 tablespoon of mustard oil, ½ teaspoon each of gram flour and turmeric powder
▪Add 2 drops of any essential oil to that mixture
▪Apply this paste over your face and wait for 15 minutes
▪Rub a clean and dry cloth in the opposite direction of the hair to eradicate the paste
▪Rinse it off with water, pat dry
▪Use olive oil or any type of moisturizers to massage your skin
▪Repeat this routine 3-4 times per day for 3 months for good results

3. Sugar

Sugar has been used for a long time for eliminated unwanted facial hair. This is a super effective and easy treatment when it comes to learning how to remove facial hair permanently.
Following approach to facial hair removal gives long term benefits as the paste grabs onto shorter hair growth.
▪Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with 2 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, followed by 8-9 teaspoons of water
▪Heat the mixture up and allow it to cool down somehow
▪Apply it over your affected areas in the hair growing direction
▪Wait till it dries and keep it there for 20 minutes
▪Rinse it off with cold water, rub in a circular motion
▪Re-apply this method 3 times per week for a few weeks until you see good results

4.Egg Whites

Egg white is rather sticky upon getting dry, so an egg white mask will stick to your facial hairs. After being ripped off, it will pluck the hair with all ruthless effectiveness of those commercial waxes. Follow these steps for outcome:-
▪Mix an egg white with 1 tablespoon of regular table sugar, and ½ tablespoon of cornstarch
▪Beat the combination till it is smooth and nice
▪Apply it to your hair and scalp
▪Leave it there till it dries
▪Pull it off and apply a moisturizer instantly afterwards.

5.Spearmint Tea

In accordance with a study conducted by Turkish researchers, it was shown that spearmint tea could be beneficial for women with hirsutism. The subjects of this study were given herbal spearmint tea two times per day for about 5 days in the follicular stage of their menstrual cycles. The follicular stage starts on the 1st day of your cycle and keeps lasting for approximately 14 days.
To know how to remove facial hair permanently using spearmint tea, take the following steps
▪Take a cup of water and boil up
▪Put 1 teaspoon of dried spearmint into or 4-5 fresh spearmint leaves
▪Cover the container and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes
▪Strain and drink that tea
▪Have it twice per day

6. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice sounds too good to be true regarding how to remove facial hair permanently, but it does. You need to combine it with honey to have an effective solution. Having sticky nature, a mask made from honey and lemon juice can eliminate fine hair from your face. Lemon juice works as an exfoliating and cleansing agent while honey can soften the hair thanks to its moisturizing and hydrating properties.
Take the steps below to know how to remove facial hair permanently using lemon juice:
▪Mix fresh lemon juice with honey as the ratio of 1:4
▪Apply it over your face
▪Remove it off after 15-20 minutes using a washcloth soaked in tepid water
▪Repeat this routine twice per week for several months.

7. Gram Flour and almond oil

This is one of little-known but effective ways on how to remove facial hair permanently without using hair removal cream. Also known as chickpea flour or besan, gram flour combined with water or other ingredients can create a face pack that not only exfoliates your skin but also removes dead skin cells as well as hair. Moreover, it also lightens your skin as well as facial hair naturally. To know how take following steps:-
▪Mix 2 tablespoons of gram flour with ½ teaspoon each of almond oil and turmeric.
▪Apply it over your face and wait till it dries
▪Scrub it off using your wet fingers, wash it off with water.
▪Repeat this routine thrice per week.

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