12 Things That You Need To Know Before You Walk Into The Salon Again

Manicures and pedicures are not a news now a days. It has become an essential part of lifestyle. Afterall, In the busy schedule, we have to look after our beauty too. Maintaining ourselves is another thing, but is blindly trusting our nail artists really that safe? You may never know what dangers await in the procedures that you undergo. Don’t overthink, we can help you with this. We’ve collected a lot of information regarding this beauty schedule. And we’ve grabbed very important information that every women needs to know, before they go to the parlours the next time.

Continue reading and get to know what your stylist does and what she should be doing. Prevent all types of dangers as life is very precious.

1. Instruments

The basic things needed for a manicure and pedicure are the instruments. However clean the beauty salons claim them to be, they can actually cause you infections like Hepatitis B, C and Aids. Even if you’re lucky enough, you won’t be able to escape the fungus. So, it’s recommended that you take your own instruments with you.

2. Callus removal

It’s advisable to not have your callus removed in the salon. In case you have thin skin and bad circulation, the tools they use may danage your skin, thereby causing infections. Prevention is better than cure, hence it’s better that you wear shoes that let your feet breathe. Apply creams on your calluses to keep them moisturized.

3. Ingrown toenail treatment

Removing ingrown nails is not the job that a beautician can do. Ingrown nails, when treated wrongly can cause infections that can only be treated with antibiotics, and in severe cases the entire nail is needed to be removed. If you are facing this problem, do visit your doctor.

4. Cuticle removal

The function of cuticle is to protect the nail from any kind of infection. If your nail artist hurts or infects your nails while removing your cuticles, the new nails will be thick, colourless or may even have waves. So, instead of beautifully done nails, they’ll turn out to be ugly. According to doctors, cuticles need not to be removed. The only thing that is advisable to be done, is to soften them and moving it away with clean tools.

5. Void under the nails

When you visit a parlor just because it’s slightly lower in cost, you’re providing yourself with damage and nothing else. A low quality manicure causes the appearance of emptiness under your nails. In professional language, this is called onycholysis and it appears as a result of damaging the lower layer of the nail. Only dermatologists can treat this, they will prescribe vitamins, ointments, and baths.

6. Fragile nails

A bad manicure is the primary reason for fragile nails. What worsens the condition is the use of nail filer all the time. It’s better to cut your nails with scissors and then use a file to shape your nails. And keep one thing in mind, only dry nails can be shaped as the wet ones are more vulnerable.

7. Yellow nails

Not always are yellow nails a consequence of health conditions. Sometimes, a low quality manicure is a reason enough. Nail artists recommend applying a protective layer before the actual nailpolish. Also, prefer the expensive ones. Do not apply iodine to your nails. . Toothpaste, scrubs made of salt, baths with lemon and hydrogen peroxide can help you get the color back to normal.

8. Hangnails

Another outcome of unprofessional manicure is hanging nails. Do not tear them, just cut them evenly.To avoid hangnails, moisturize your skin with special cremes containing vitamin E and have your manicure done by professional and responsible nail artists.

9. Shaving legs before pedicure

Most of us go to salons right after we have shaved our legs and hands, believing that this may have no effect. But, on the contrary it does have effects that are more than your imagination. When you shave your legs and hands, the pores are more open and there is a higher risk of you getting infected.

10. Nail cover

Nail polishes are no human friendly things. They also contain a lot of chemicals. These components alone can cause harm to nails and can also be the reason for allergic reactions. For making sure that you’re safe, change your nail polish every 3 to 4 weeks. Also, give your nails a break every 6 to 8 months. Ideally, it’s 105 days- this is how much time it takes for a nail to grow

11. UV lamps

UV lamps are used to dry shellac. But, these are dangerous to health and also hurts the skin. In some cases, it can also burn the skin. So, the first thing you should do is to apply some protective cream over your skin and the other thing is to opt for salons that have LED lamps.

12. Hot foot baths

The reason for that crack on your feet can be hot for baths. Those whose legs are often swollen, or those who often have a dry skin, should avoid long foot baths in hot water. If you are hoping for your skin to improve, use moisturizing creams and lotions on regular intervals.

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